
Minggu, 29 November 2009

cheapSevi Rattle, Birdie

Sevi Rattle, Birdieis actually a manufactured goods is completely well-known currently, Looking for a description of Sevi Rattle, Birdie? On this page you'll 2dc info on Sevi Rattle, Birdie

today. For anyone browsing for reputableSevi Rattle, Birdie, we recommend this is will likely be the solution.If you are on purpose to spend additional money for the Sevi Rattle, Birdie,then you've got to execute a small bit of investigate in order to pay for the funds knowledgeably. Here' will present you with a small amount of info about the Sevi Rattle, Birdie, so you've a number of to positively consider before choosing this Sevi Rattle, Birdie
The Detailed Description of Sevi Rattle, BirdieFeatures
  • Soft, safe and fun
  • Soft and cuddly fabric
  • Hand-made with kid.
  • High quality Italian design
  • Elastic keeps it safely on your Childs wrist or ankle

List Price?: $7.00

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
Help baby discover her hands or feet with this charming rattle. These petite plush toys rattle gently with baby's slightest touch. We love the gentle colors and quality construction. Made of mixed cotton/polyester fabrics. Spot clean with a damp cloth and air dry to clean for best results. Designed by the venerable Italian company, Sevi and hand made in China under the company's direct supervision. Sevi, based in Tarcento, Italy near the Prealpi Giulie Mountains, has been crafting luxury children's toys since 1831. Steeped in tradition, Sevi artists mix innovation with research and innovative design to offer quality baby, toddler and children's products for the world's most demanding and discerning parents. Sevi is ISO 9001 certified.

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